Cultivating a growth mindset takes a lot of unlearning, learning, stepping out of our comfort zones, and curiosity towards, not just the outside world, but also what resides within ourselves. At Embrace Her Lead, providing meaningful, relatable mentorship experiences is what lies at the heart of our brand, and this was our ‘why’ behind bringing to life our very own peer mentorship program - Bloom Mindset.
a feel-good peer mentorship program
Together during the course of our free, ten-week-long Bloom Mindset program, we navigate through a series of themes to hone in on our Venn diagram’s circles of personal growth and professional development in order to truly unpack that overlapping grey area of what we call life.
As a part of this program, you can expect to:
be introduced to a network of women from similar and unique walks of life
tap in on your curiosity towards all experiences that shape your narrative
learn to leverage the power of ‘yet’
bloom and grow in your own authentic way